reconnecting with inherent healing wisdom 

Release your pain and negative patterns in less time than you can imagine

Free Up Your Spirit...

Surrender your emotional baggage creating space to unleash your brilliance

Align With Your True Nature...

Transform your limiting beliefs claiming your inherent gifts and talents

Nurture Your Relationships...

Restore and fortify your boundaries cultivating healthy interactions with others

Eliminate Your Pain...

Clear away your underlying imbalances fostering stability and reconciliation

What to Expect & a Bit About KeNT

Credentials and Experience

 foundational concept

Epigenetics, Thoughts, and Emotions

Epigenetics is the branch of science that examines how external factors such as nutrition, stress levels, emotions, and habitual thoughts can influence the way our genes are expressed. These influences can be passed down to us from our ancestors. 

Pioneers of epigenetics such as Dr. Candace Pert and Dr. Bruce Lipton have revolutionized the way we look at how cells in the body receive and process information, leading us to believe that it is not our genes and DNA that control our biology, but rather the energy from our thoughts, habits, and emotions that are the major influencers.

Epigenetics, Thoughts and Emotions

At Agape Therapeutic Health Services we work together on increasing the resilience of communication between the higher brain (conscious mind) and the limbic system/brain stem lower brain (unconscious mind). We get clues by looking at your thoughts, patterns, stories, and behaviors. These are the effects arising from your personal life and/or inherited generational traumas. We use muscle testing to ask questions of the unconscious mind to identify and release the issues underlying your thoughts, patterns, stories, and behaviors.

The conscious mind is your goal setter and your unconscious mind is your goal getter. They need to be working together in order to achieve a goal, but the unconscious mind is like a strong willed 5 year old. If things are too hard or too scary, the unconscious mind will keep you safe at all costs by all forms of procrastination and self-sabotage. During our sessions, we focus on creating the safe space needed for the unconscious mind to bring up the wounds for clearing. By keeping the communication channels open during this process allows the letting go of the unhealthy patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you.

The Brain Simplified... An Interconnected Trio

The Brain Stem

The Brain Stem is the control center for involuntary body functions such as balance, blood pressure, breathing, facial sensations, hearing, heart rhythms and swallowing, and does not distinguish between past, present and future.

the brain
The Limbic System

The Limbic System, or Middle Brain, on the other hand, deals with emotions, memories, instincts, feeding, fighting and fleeing and is responsible for the body's physical and chemical responses to emotional stimuli. It stores memories as stories in silos of similarity, rather than chronological order. 

Limbic System Memory Silos
The Neocortex

Lastly, the Neocortex, or Higher Brain, is the only part of the brain able to differentiate between past, present and future, and creates new thoughts, solves problems, learns mathematics and languages. 

Neocortex Balancing

When faced with a stressful situation, the Higher Brain will create thoughts in response, while the Limbic System and Brain Stem will react instinctively based on similar memories. Once the stressful event has passed, the Higher Brain must communicate to the Limbic System that it is safe, in order to bring the body back into balance.


Start Clearing Away Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Garbage today!

 tell me more about... 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a session cost?

To start, all new virtual and in-person clients receive a free 30-minute virtual Zoom Chat session. This helps clarify what to schedule for your initial paid session. Session pricing is based on the overall time spent in a session. Prices listed below are in Canadian dollars:

  • 30 minutes - $65
  • 45 minutes - $90
  • 60 minutes - $110
  • 75 minutes - $135
  • 90 minutes - $160
  • 105 minutes - $185
  • 120 minutes - $210

I recommend scheduling longer sessions as it is easier to shorten a session, while the opposite is true when trying to lengthen one. I bill for the time spent rounded to the closest 15 minute increment. (eg. 65 minutes billed at $110)

What do you focus on in your practice?

I focus on releasing your chronic patterns of physical and emotional pain. Often individuals are experiencing chronic patterns of pain that arise out of negative experiences during their childhood but trauma is trauma at all ages. The fascinating aspect is that the energy of these traumatic events may be from both personal and/or ancestral life experiences.  

How do you do a virtual session?

Have you ever been thinking about someone and they then call you out of the blue? This is a common example showing how we're all energetically connected. During virtual sessions, I use intention for clearly tapping into a connection that's already present.  

What happens during my free chat/consultation?

During the free chat/consultation, we'll review your history and determine what's most important for you to focus on. We'll then hopefully have some time to get started with a mini-session.

Agape - what does that mean?

The Greek word, agápē (pronounced uh-GAH-pay), is a Greco-Christian term referring to unconditional love, the highest form of love or charity.

Within a therapeutic context, agape is the intentional response to promote well-being when confronted by that which generates ill-being.

What is muscle testing?

Some experts think the conscious mind only makes up about 0.1% of your intelligence. The other 99.9% is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind archives everything we experience in life. It's like a binary computer and can be asked “yes” or “no” questions.

Muscle testing determines answers from the subconscious mind by the physical response to things that are true or false. To illustrate, telling a lie creates a weak muscle test, whereas speaking the truth creates a strong muscle test. It's really that simple.

What is energy medicine?

The physical body is pure energy and, given the right conditions, has an incredible ability to heal itself. Negative energies can become stuck or trapped because of any sort of life experience. 

If they remain stuck, over time they can impair physical function and contribute to stress, trauma, sickness and even disease. In fact, most people live somewhere on a spectrum in this kind of state, suffering from it, but the good news is that this process is often reversible. 

Releasing energetic imbalances is a powerful way to restore health to the body, by simply making the conditions right for it to re-balance itself.

What is intuitive bodywork?

Intuitive bodywork is using muscle testing to ask the body what it needs during any type of hands-on work. Often it's a mix of bodywork modalities that shift on the fly, as the body unwinds itself towards optimal homeostasis. 

What should I expect after a session?

In a session, we focus on releasing the imbalances that are underlying or creating an issue. After the session, you can expect two things: 

  • An “integrative healing period” or a “physiological processing” which usually lasts from 1 to 3 days. Less than 20% of the time, there are processing symptoms such as minor emotional irritability or a little fatigue. Occasionally, some people experience more uncomfortable symptoms such as headache or nausea. You can make the processing period easier by getting extra sleep, drinking a lot of pure water, avoiding stressful situations, and practicing your regular self-care routine.
  • Awareness of the habits associated with what we released. Coping mechanisms or survival skills are learned habits that run on autopilot. Our unhealthy habits can be unlearned and replaced with healthy ones. Some clients may feel subtle or dramatic changes right away, while others may need more release work before noticeable unwinding from unhealthy habits takes place. Each person is unique with varied life experiences, so the pace of healing is not exact or predictable. For greater insight, check out this article from James Clear.

Are your sessions covered by extended medical?

No extended medical insurance covers what I do.  

How much do I need to tell you?

As a new client, you're asked to complete a confidential intake history. You're free to disclose as much or as little information as you wish. I hold all details in confidence and I can share nothing with anyone without your express written consent.

Am I doing therapy with you?

The short answer is no, as I'm not a registered medical or mental health professional any longer. The sessions provided are a co-creative experience where we tap into your body's inherent healing wisdom.

Is it okay to see other practitioners while I'm seeing you?

I strongly encourage you to stay connected with all of your traditional and alternative health practitioners when you're receiving sessions at Agape Therapeutic. No one practitioner or approach can address all aspects of who you are and what you're presenting with. 

Are you diagnosing or prescribing?

In my practice, there is no diagnosing or prescribing as I'm not a registered medical or mental health professional. So I encourage you to remain connected with all your traditional and alternative health practitioners.

Do you have a sliding scale or reduced fees?

A small percentage of clients receive sessions while paying a reduced or sliding scale fee. This allows them to move through particularly difficult points in their healing journey where their ability to work may be less than optimal. I often ask to receive a written or video testimonial from them in return.

Can you help with chronic pain?

The short answer is YES!

The longer answer is that chronic pain is often a complex, multilayered presentation. It is a physical, mental, and emotional mix. We use muscle testing to release imbalances that are creating the chronic pain presentation, one layer at a time. 

I have PTSD - can you help with that?

Post Traumatic Stress symptoms range on a spectrum from mild to severe. Anyone with a trauma history will require a network of healthy support to assist in their healing journey. Energy medicine and intuitive bodywork are very helpful in easing the symptoms and releasing the underlying causes of Post Traumatic Stress.

Do I need to take my clothes off to receive bodywork?

This will depend upon what shows up with muscle testing. If your body wishes to receive Ortho-Bionomy them you're fully clothed. If your body wants a Swedish-style massage, then you're taking your clothes off. I cover you appropriately with a top sheet and we work together to ensure safety and security.

Do you work with children or animals?

The short answer is YES but there are conditions.

  • Children - I require a separate waiver to be signed and dated by a parent or guardian prior to receiving any free or paid sessions. Contact me for details.
  • Animals - Sessions for animals happen away from my shared office space. Contact me to plan a session for your favorite fur baby.

How do you protect my privacy?

I live and work in Vancouver, Canada and I'm subject to the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). PIPA is a Province of British Columbia legislative act and the GDPR is a regulation in EU law. Both are concerned with data protection and privacy of personal information of clients, prospects, or employees.

I securely store your personal health information and session notes on Canadian servers and you can request the information to be erased at anytime.

He Has Kept Me Going

I've been a client of Kent's since 2007. Over the years he has kept me going, allowing me to work as hard as I do. Most often my sessions are consisting of deep tissue work but at times I require the Body Code.

The Body Code was very helpful in my grieving the sudden loss of my brother. It's also helped me let go of other emotional issues from traumatic childhood events.

Kent listens and adapts his sessions to the specific needs of his clients. I've referred my friends and family to him with great results. I feel very fortunate to have found Kent as my intuitive bodywork practitioner and I'll follow him wherever he goes.

Laurie J. , Landscaper

Dissolving What Stands in the Way

The Body Code is a remarkable modality. The best way of describing the Body Code is that it uncovers what lies hidden beneath the surface of an issue. Issues may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in nature. The Body Code ends up dissolving what stands in the way of healing. Thus restoring balance to the whole being.

Kent's approach using the Body Code can be applied in so many different ways. It feels like there is no problem too big to tackle. Kent provides a welcoming and safe space allowing you to express your needs openly. I have experienced significant shifts by feeling heard and supported by Kent. I highly recommend Kent as a practitioner.

Heal My Childhood Traumas

I have been working with Kent over the past 9 years. Above all, Kent is enabling me to heal my childhood traumas and deep emotional pain. In short, he is intuitive, kind and powerful.

Ekram I. , Journalist

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